The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a beautiful tribute — and a thrilling legacy! Very nicely done.
I discovered the meaning of legacy when we built our home on an extremely low budget. We were paying rent and a morgage payment and as novices we worked slow. In an effort to eliminate the rent from our cash outgo we hired a man to spackle our walls. When his bill came it was extremely low. When I asked him about it he said "When I was down and out your father gave me work. He was the only person in town that would trust a recovering alcoholic. I can't do anything to re-pay him directly but I can give you this job at cost." Thank you for sharing your blessing of legacy, it is the best gift that we can giveour children.
A beautiful tribute and memory to a life well-lived! There is no greater legacy we can leave our children than the legacy of integrity, honor and love displayed by your granddad. Blessings, Cheri