The Official Writing Challenge
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I hear you! Well done.
Ahhhh, the path from scribbler of words to published author. The realization that it isn't about being published at all but about enjoying your gift from God and sharing it. I know I enjoy your gift. But don't you love booksignings where one person shows up. I DO!!
Yeah, that's one part of writing I don't think I'd do well at!! I think you're missing one little word in this sentence at the end: "and believe I’ve been entrusted with this gift by God" I think it needs an 'I' there. I felt your discomfort, and rejoiced as it became easier. Good story.
Great reality check! Announcing that "I am an author" does sound presumptuous when it first rolls off your tongue, I imagine. Even admitting to being a writer seems a bit risky to some of us. I really could identify with this missionary in disguise. That really is what we are, isn't it? Good job.