The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I loved this - it was very creative. Each stanza brought tears to my eyes as I thought of Jesus. A liked the consistent theme of the print left behind, too. Each little stanza said so much with the well chosen illustration. This is a winner in my eyes.
This is wonderfully creative! Every line seems so well thought out and speaks volumes to the heart.
Loved it!
Blessings, Lynda
Beautiful! I can only imagine the every title He hold has come at such a high price, one that we could never pay. I loved this poem. Wonderfully done.
Poetry captures my heart, this poem captured my soul.

Thank you so very much!
You've left "footprints in my soul" with this poem..... Great job! <><
This poem is truly creative. I like too the way you left His footprints across the sands of time.
love this . It is very creative and well thought out

A winner in my humble opinon.

Beautiful picture of our Lord. The key to it all is the word, 'Before" I wonder what "befores" occur in the life of God's leaders, yesterday, today and tomorrow. I hope this becomes part of the FaithWriters book. I needs to be shared. Thank you.