The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What fun! Reminds me of a poem I wrote on a "shoes" topic MANY moons ago on FW. You obviously know a lot about flowers. The rhythm could be tweeked, but I liked the effect of the two liner start and ending.
What frightfully fantastic fun to entertain my brain and make my soul whole! Or are some of those assonance?! Is assonance vowels and alliteration consonants?

The only one I didn't at least recognise was Kudzu, which was sprayed for some reason. Is it that Japanese bamboo that is taking over our gardens?

Some of the stuff I only got on my second reading, but then that's true with most articles. They all benefit from a closer scrutiny. Mutiny would go well with that but I couldn't think how.

Perhaps the title should have been 'God's Gorgeous Garden of Alliteration' ?

Well done anyway. Good fun.
I enjoyed this clever poem of alliteration. I wish I knew so many flowers and their characteristics. Great job.
This a darling poem, and darn near perfect. Lovely stuff - thank you! God bless xx
This was indeed beautiful, and it never slipped into tongue twister category--just wonderful word choices from beginning to end.
This is beautiful!
When I first read this title (way too quickly), I thought it said "God's garden of alligators." I was surprised, but very pleasantly so. Well done, reads well. Thanks :)
Beautifully written! It tickled me -- I couldn't wait to read the next line to see its focus!

Lovely work -- creative, for sure! Not overbearing, not overdone, just beautiful! :)
Very smart and well done!!!
God bless.
No tongue twisters here.
A difficult feat
not to mention sweet,
when it's so nice and neat. Good job.
One of Dav's Favs!
Beautiful,and practically perfect in every way!