The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 992 times
Member Comments
A perfect ending to a well written entry. The meaning at the end prolific and so true. The Word should be our main staple/food. Loved it.

God bless~
Wow you really managed to write an awesome story! It grabbed me from the beginning, made me hold my breath and then left me with a warm feeling. This will make many readers stop and analyze what is coming out of the mouth instead of what goes in!
Wonderful story--great ending. Thank you.

Darlene Thompson
You did a good job of pulling the reader in from the start. A valuable lesson is portrayed in your story. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful story of goal-making and accomplishment. How often we expect the worst, but you have shown how lives can be changed in certain circumstances. Your MC was expecting the worst, but go much more than she bargained for... love. I truly enjoyed your entry.
This piece was aptly titled and it's message is one people are starving for today. Words we speak can lift people up or beat them down. As this story shows, our words should be a reflection of God's love.
Congrats! God Bless
Congratulations on your ribbon and for ranking 16th overall!