The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 568 times
Member Comments
What a charming anecdote about baking cookies with your granddaughter for the first time! I enjoyed reading your kitchen memories!
Sweet and memorable! I enjoyed this whole piece and it has made me hungry in the interim. Nicely done, thanks for sharing.

God bless~
This is a sweet story. I really enjoyed the picture of little girl and Grandma in the kitchen together. I suspect you may have sighed with relief when she went on to other tasks leaving you to do the clean-up. It has been my experience that a 6yo helper sometimes creates more messes than she cleans:)

My biggest suggestion would be to save the exclamation points for dialog and allow your verbs to do the exclaiming for you.

You had me smiling a bittersweet smile in the end. My youngest is getting ready to head off to college. I worked so hard to teach the kids to be sensitive, hard-working, and independent adults and what thanks to I get? They up and leave me! But then of course, we really wouldn't want it any other way.