The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 530 times
Member Comments
This had a good message to it and I believe it was well thought out; however, it was not as smooth a read as it could have been if you had double spaced between paragraphs. Also, I believe you could have expanded on the subject just a little. Your entry left me wanting more. As I said, I believe your entry was well thought out, but could have been expanded to satisfy this reader's longing for more.
In spite of heartaches, we just keep on loving and loving our grown up children, mustn't we? This is the compassionate way of our One and Only Lord towards us. Thanks for sharing your heart through this piece. The Lord bless you. Peace!
I felt "your heart" in this piece...and it touched me. Thank you. God Bless~
This is a powerful piece. I so agree with the points you make. My youngest is graduating high school and I know it's not easy to raise good kids.

I wish you had gone even farther with this and shown me some of the tough decisions she had made. It would have helped me connect with the characters more.

I think you were spot on the topic and did a nice job of covering it while still delivering a great message.