The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a great story. I've never heard of a skink but you did a great job describing it. I did wonder if it was poisonous at I can google that. The enduing was a delight. I could picturea thought bubble above the critter's head.

I so loved this funny story. I was laughing so hard at the MC trying to get the creature out from under the refrigerator! Hilarious.

I loved how it escaped and turned around. It was probably saying, "This lady is dangerous... what was she thinking with the stick and bubble wrap?" Priceless!

Thanks. God Bless~
What an amusing story. I've been there, but it was a little green lizard, and they are fast. I laughed at the MC's dilemma and the lizards look as if to say, well I'll be. Thanks for sharing and God bless.
Hi -

I'd never heard of a skink either - quite interesting.

Your kitchen adventure sure put some skinky drama in those unexpected minutes.

My vote is that you find that skink and put him on dish washing duty or some other chore
as penance for its disruption of your kitchen activities.

The nerve of that creature - - chuckles.
Congratulations for placing 9th in level two!