The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I enjoyed reading your srticle but the aco before some words were distracting. If it is a computer glitch it needs to be fixed. Thank you for sharing an interesting story. God bless.
Enjoyed the intrigue - and I really like how he "figured her out." Sounds like a God thing :)
Absolutely great story. Just loved it from beginning to end. Your twists were unexpected and you did so well writing this complete piece of entertainment in only 750 words! Great Job!!
Great ending!
I agree with a previous comment about the distracting "aco" glitch.
The story itself was good.
Ha, I like this. Enjoyable read (computer glitch aside). Keep up the good work!
Lots of fun--there were twists upon twists, not easy to do in 750 words!

I enjoyed every bit of your writing! Good job
Interesting story! I find it humorous that Edmond wrote about being saved by a maiden and falling in love. :) Also how he and Rolland were after the same girl! I thought Edmond displayed tremendous self-control in the whole matter.

It also goes to show how love can be very different from a simple crush. We should always get to know someone before committing to the lifelong act of marriage. I'm glad that Edmond was saved by his manuscript. Rolland and Lavina are just right for each other. ;)
Good story. A little of it was confusing. I wasn't sure of the time period or why one brother could read and the other couldn't. But of course, you only had 750 words.
You drew me into the moment with this. I had to smile at how quickly your MC's affections were transferred once he realized Lavinia couldn't read. :) You did a wonderful job weaving this tale!
You are one winning writer! Even with computer glitches. ;)