The Official Writing Challenge
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Note some punctuation problems. With a little work this could make into a devotion, possibly for a men's group.
I agree with dub, watch the grammar and punctuation and I think that this could turn into an incrediable devotional.
Wow, what a gripping, sad account. Great job!
A beautiful devotional here. Wow. Thank you for sharing this piece of yourself.
This is a good piece. It does need attention to punctuation and grammar as mentioned. Read it aloud slowly and watch your word usage. Spell checks don't always catch it when you've made changes and the wrong word has been left in. You'be beautifully revealed the emotions.
You may feel you were wrong to submit this, but look at the comments. You have touched people. Many have felt these very feelings. You have shared your heart, that comes through loud and strong, and that touches the readers's hearts. People recognize your beautiful, gentle, loving spirit. May God give you the desires of your precious heart.
Oh, yes, we've all been there at times, maybe are there now. Honesty with self and with God is the only way to grow...and what an adventure that is!! You've so poignantly painted a true picture of the need for hope. And you've captured the golden glimmer of the tiniest ray of hope that never completely dies in the human soul.
I agree with the others. This is a good devotional. You already know about the punctuation issues.
It was the punctuation I was talking about.. I should have taken the time to do up a better piece. As I said submitting it right away is what I am sorry for. Thank you all for the comments.. And keep an eye out for next weeks... ;)
Thank you for sharing this empowering message of hope written from the heart.
What a treasure! It seems that many of God's people have been in this place. King David cried, "How long, O Lord, will you hide your face from me?" When we have the courage to bare our soul as you did, we find comfort for ourselves and others.
I agree with the comments that this is a diamond in the rough. Your frustration and pain come through, but so does your hope. I'm sorry you had a bad week, but be encouraged, God can use this entry to bless others. It blessed me, as is. :)
Though the details are different, I can relate to what you've written. I could feel your words as I read them. Thanks for this candid piece.
Ah, Pup, you poured out your heart and made me rejoice to be in the company of such a man! So few, men or women, dare to go to the places within that you dare to go to. And in going there you clarify another's journey. A moment of foolhardiness maybe, but it has ministered to ppl. So, go wag your tail! yeggy
Pup,we all make mistakes. A couple of weeks ago I worked extremely hard on a piece only to receive some critiques that crushed my heart. BUT I learned from my mistakes and like you've said yourself...submitting to soon can be the most fatal mistake we make.

Your message speaks loud and clear. That's a bonus and something some of us struggle with. What I've learned not only in your piece but also by the comments left, is there is HOPE for all of us as writers. We are here to help, encourage and yes point out where we could improve.

So if we look at the overall picture here, your piece was two-fold. How many of us were able to do this with our piece this week or any other week for that matter? Chin up Pup, I'll be looking for your next piece come thursday...I'm sure it will be great.

In my brokenness, God uses those lessons to challenge and touch others. Your pain, hope and brokenness came through loud and clear to this broken sinner. When writing a peice that touches my heart, I, too, submit articles too soon. This article is very special and God has plans for this piece. Keep writing!
The transparency here makes this invaluable....especially coming from a male point of view. How often do men open their souls like this? Especially to a public audience? I would like to see content like this appear in print and thus inspire other men to speak plainly and without shame - from their hearts. :-)