The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1248 times
Member Comments
First a comment: I see nothing about vines; however, if this were on shrubs and bushes..I'd say this was very well done. Unique, intriguing and captivating.
Interesting story. The shrub vs. vine thing was a bit of a distraction, but overall, this is a good entry.
In the hands of the Creator, we can all unlock the beauty within. This is a nice story. It could be used as a devotional.
Hey I thought this was very well written. As previously commented, it didn't exactly fit into the subject, but I really liked it. You could have just left it that it turned beautiful, but instead you incorporated it into a bible story, so I really liked that too. I liked your final line a lot too. Thanks for sharing
In His Hands everything becomes better. The pruning is necessary for us to improve and be more like Him - beautiful. Very nice analogy.
Thank you to those who have left feedback... I wondered if I should have included writing the passage from John, which may have explained the concept and how the story followed it... I do agree, however, that it was a stretch from vines. I hope that it still blessed those who read it. Thanks, Amy