The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Nice work. I love the way that Vicki aces her test. You told the story beautifully and the title "Not so Empty At The County Line" is perfect. Good job.
During the break in the Weekly Challenge schedule, I’d like to invite you to the FaithWriters forums, where I’m holding a weekly free “class” in various writing strategies. Participation is strictly voluntary, but I give free and timely feedback on all contributions. I’d love to have you drop by!
Congratulations! God bless~
I absolutely loved this. What a fresh take on the topic. There is so much depth to this..I can't help but think all the planning God put into this. Your story tells way more than what appears on the surface. God knows what type of tests we can pass just like he did all those years ago with Abraham. Just in case we can't see his hand in it, he provides a ram caught in the brush or in this case a suspended liquor license. He wants us to know He believes in us and even when we fall he is there to protect us. Pretty cool! You did an amazing job on this piece.The beginning pulls the reader in, the suspense keeps us reading, the conflict clearly defined. I don't know that you needed the last line because you did a splendid job of already showing the reader your message and you nailed the topic. Congratulations!
Congratulations on placing first in your level. God bless!
Congratulations for placing 20 overall! (The highest rankings can be found on the message boards)
Thanks for this great article about God's purifying purpose- many times revealed through trials and temptations.