The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow, this gave me chills at the end. Sadly it's so true for so many people, whether it be alcohol or other addictions. Well done, this is well written and conveys the desperation of one friend to help another, and the denial so clearly in her mind.
I enjoyed your story very much and it deals with life in its truest form. The old adage applies. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
Very well done. I could feel the pain of Melissa as she tried to open her friend's eyes to her self-destructive behavior and how it was affecting her children. It's heartbreaking when a person refuses to acknowledge that they have a problem--an addiction. Until they do, there is nothing you can do to help them except pray and hope that they turn their lives around before something tragic happens.
This brought tears to my eyes. It's a chilling story that many mothers could tell. You did an awesome job drawing me into the story.