The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Loved this poem... had spots that didn't "flow" real well, but the concept was wonderful! I love dandelions too! Blessings, Amy
I agree with Amy, while there are a few small parts that don't quite flow, it is a great poem. I really loved the final stanza...gave me goosebumps.
I don't care that a few lines seemed out of sync. I was tracking with you down memory lane...had clear vision of my 15 year old back when he was toddling around with dandelion puffs and smiles, the humble grace of a babe- then wham you hit me with God's grace. I love the ending. Simple powerful poem of love.
This is beautiful...What great thoughts in the music of poetic words...Well done...
I really like this a lot--the parallel structure and the free verse format. It flowed quite beautifully, and the final image was unique: dandelions at Jesus' feet!
Excellent poem - soamny lines that I liked, that evoked memories. I liked the thread of love that was woven through the poem.
Sandra, this was lovely, and have to agree, the dandelions strewn at his feet part was the perfect ending. Beautiful.

This was one of those poems where some feel the rhythm is out, some feel it was fine. I was in the former group, but either way, it was beautiful and you ranked 7th in the Level 2 list, so well done. You also ranked 36th overall, out of a total of 145 entries, so I think you deserve a pat on the back for that as well.

With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)
Beautiful! I loved the ending.