The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I'm glad you wrote this article. I agreed with you 100%.

Schools are subsidized,but many rank at or near the bottom of national rankings.
How can we expect God to bless our nation.

Thanks for having the resolve to put this forward. May I suggest to research statistics,and do a larger article.

God bless.
You definitely spoke your mind here. Very good writing.
The intensity of your passion comes across loud and clear. I suspect that the judges may find it off-topic, but you've still had an opportunity to share something close to your heart.
And I agree completely. My denomination takes a hard line of gambling. Sadly too many in the UK (where I am from) soft-peddle on the whole issue.
I find this piece right on topic, Gambling is a big GRRR! It makes you angry, which it should.
Thank you for writing it. You made excellent observations.
Wow! This is so good! Gambling is addictive and so few people realize this. Gambling becomes an addict's life, and everything else doesn't matter anymore whether it's their spouses, children, or even themselves. It's so nice to meet someone who shares a similar view on abortion and gambling. Thank you so much for sharing!