The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Touching and very sweet. I can easily imagine this scene. Good work.
I am a new grandmother for both of my children's children and I have greatly appreciated the second chance to love them unconditionally. Older, we become wiser and grandchildren benefit! Lovely story and well writtten!
This is lovely - you paint some wonderful pictures with your words and impart some wonderful wisdom. Thank you for sharing this!
Enjoyed this very much! Extremely well written, and a good message. As an aunt, I love to spoil my nieces and nephews with love - always keeping in mind mom's rules of course. A winner in my book!
I love that first line. It sounds really authentic!
I loved the part about parenting as a grandmother... I like the idea that you never grow out of being a parent. The great-grandmother in this piece reminded me a litle of my own grandmother, though sadly Gradnma doesn't share your character's faith in God as of yet.