The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1153 times
Member Comments
Very nice work. I kept picturing all the places I have visited out west.

On your next submission, double space the new paragraphs in order to keep the reader's eyes from accidently rereading something.

Thanks for a great entry.
Dan Blankenship

Very good. I'm not a hiker, but I could visualize the imagry you intended to portray. I also like the parallels between the hike in the forest and our hike with Jesus. I truly enjoyed this. Keep writing.
Very enjoyable. I can almost smell the evergreens! I agree with Dan, it would be helpful on the eyes to space after each paragraph.
Great description - but I have to say, in my opinion, anyway, your "lead-in" was a bit too long - I was half-waiting for it to end so I could see where you were going with this. Otherwise, a VERY well-crafted piece!
Your a good story-teller! It sounds like the making of an instructional for new hikers.
I enjoyed reading this. I think the analogy of a person walking in the woods and the believer's walk was well done, but I think the point was a bit overdonein the beginning, leaving the reader to wonder what was the point you were trying to make.