The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Excellent beginning. You really pulled me in. I could feel the ache and pain in the separation.

I really think you could develop this piece further by including dialogue and expanding upon the thoughts and feeling of the girl during the flashback scene.
This is a great start, but I wanted more: more details, body language, thoughts and dialog. Also be careful about switching tense. It's kind of tricky to do with the way you wrote it, but with some rewrites and a good proofreader, you could do it. I like your take on topic and your message really makes the reader stop and think.
Just to show you what I mean about the tense, I'll give you a quick example of how I might edit it to prevent it from switching from past to present and back again:
Laying in bed Havilah’s heart constricts in agony. She grimaces as she flops over; tears well up in her eyes. This particular pain tends to sneak up and attack without warning and then refuses to let go.
Havilah squeezes her eyes shut. <i> Today is a sad day. Most people don't have a clue. It's been thirty years. Man, I need to get over it!</i>
But she doesn't know how to let go. The shocking memory is upon her once again.

Another choice would be to do it all in the past tense instead of the present. Since you asked me to clarify, I also decided to show you some ways you could add body language and thoughts to make it pop a bit more. Of course, this is just one way I might interpret it. I understand the thoughts and actions might be different than what you would do, but that's just an example to show you what I mean.

You have a lot of great things in here. I think it's fresh and original. The message is great too.
Awww...I really enjoyed this. You have a natural ability to pull in the reader.

This has become to much of a reality for too many couples through the years but many or even most of the children involved have not been old enough to stand on the rock to endure the stress.

Bible is not taught as "doctrine" or "laws" of God so it is given an OK where God's law says NO.

This is a well written piece from a different perspective or view. Nicely done.
Congratulations on your 1st place win in the Beginner's category, Michelle.

You had a lot of words left to expand your story. Interesting concepts but they needed to be developed.

I think I would have liked the story written in the present tense.

Another thing I noticed was that you switched from the MC's POV to God's POV (Think of yourself as a camera operator).

You have a lot of potential. Try reading the Editor's Choice winners each week to see how others handled the topic.