The Official Writing Challenge
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This story fits something going on on my life perfectly. It can be so hard to trust at time, but God has a plan. I enjoyed your character and you did a nice job telling the story.

It would be even stronger to show it with body language, dialog, and thought. For example, you could do something lik:Jo bounced into work. I love being a nurse;I hope I passed my exams. I don't think I could face anyone if I failed. Her smile faded as she noticed her boss scowling at her. I wonder what her problem is? Maybe she heard about my test scores. Her heart beat harder as she tried to shrug off her fears. She rushed in to see her next patient. "Hello, Mrs. Jones, how are you feeling today?"
That was just a quick example to show you how to use thought and dialog. You had a POV shift when you slipped into the boss' head and worries. You can show her insecurities with something like a scowl, but the reader should only know what the MC knows.

You did a great job of writing on topic. While a lot of people wrote about trusting God, you mixed it up a bit with the nursing exams. I found that realistic and interesting. Your conflict made me want to read on and the ending felt real. I remember what torture it was to wait for my nursing exam results, knowing my job was dependent on me passing. You did a great job of capturing that.