The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 541 times
Member Comments
This is creative and unique--I've been at FaithWriters for many years, and I don't believe I've ever read anything quite like it.

I noticed numerous small errors of mechanics--minor things like missing commas or run-on sentences. Any one of those on their own would be insignificant, but when they start to accumulate, they begin to interfere with the flow of the piece. I'd recommend a quick proofread with another pair of eyes.

I also think that this skirts the topic a bit, or perhaps takes it too literally. "Ugly tourist" isn't really about physical attributes, but an ugly attitude.

I love the train of thought that this story sends me off on--if there are aliens, what impact would that have on how we "do" Christianity? I very much appreciate this unique story, and would love to see it in an expanded and polished version.
Interesting approach to this weeks topic. Enjoyed the content and delivery.

God bless~
I liked the way you slowly unveiled that the POV character was of a different species. The way the daughter used her r's was entertaining and helped to place the reader into the picture. Well done.
I enjoyed this interesting story. Although science-fiction isn't my favorite genre (it isn't my least favorite either), you kept me captivated right from the beginning. You packed a lot of details in for the 750 word limit.

You could tighten some lines up, leaving room for more story with something like this: C'Wolk crossed her arms, sighed, and glared at her younger sister. "So?"
By doing it this way, I cut out a lot of the telling and replaced it with showing while saving room for more story.

I noticed quite a few errors with run-on sentences, missing apostrophes, and commas. I'd urge you to read other stories, and if you find some that you connect with, send the author a PM and ask if she'd like to be your challenge buddy.

I also thought you did use some great picture words like scrambled and sniffed. It immediately formed a picture in my head and compelled me to keep reading. I also enjoyed your message. It works for us on Earth and for others God may have created. It gives new meaning to Christ dying for all who have sinned. He loves us all, and I could see there being more than what we know. Even if I didn't think that way, this story still would have intrigued me because you did a fine job with the story line.
This was an intriguing story that pulls you in right from the start. I haven't seen the genre of Science Fiction done before on Faithwriters, so I felt you had an interesting way of presenting the gospel of Christ. Although I don't believe there are other aliens on different planets, you give a visual sense how it could be. It reminded me of a scene from Star Trek. The trills with the r's reminded me of the space landings in the movies.