The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1427 times
Member Comments
I love these kind of stories. Well done!
This is a very good story. I enjoyed it "bunches"! Thanks for writing it.
Very well-written! One small suggestion: when you start with just dialog, with no description, your reader doesn't know who's talking or what's happening. Takes us a while to catch up to you. Other than that, first-class writing: good plot, good characterization, "gotcha" ending!
My first thought after reading this was: DARN! If I had the skill and finances, I'd start up a Christian version of Twilight Zone. Maybe call it the Loading Zone. But I'd be contacting you for this story.(still smiling).
Fantastico! Beautimous! What can I say...I thought it clever, touching and fulfilling. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your win, Larry! You certainly deserve it.
Nice story. A pleasure to read and a good message.
Well deserved, Larry. It was wonderful, inspiring.
Engaging from beginning to end. My son and I both enjoyed reading it. Thanks!
Congratulations, Larry. A well-deserved win. The title is perfect, your dialogue was clearly written with real words and sentiment. I enjoyed reading this and feel blessed for the opportunity. May God continue to use your talent for His honor.
A great piece that brought tears to my eyes. Congrats on a well-deserved win.
Hi Larry. I'm just preparing the latest FaithWriters' Anthology, and am so glad that your story is going to be in it. What a treat of a read! Usually I can pick a story that is going to head this direction, but you got me on this one. It was wonderful.

I just need a couple of things from you. For starters, I need a three to four sentence bio note (written in the third person) to include in the anthology. If you aren't sure how to word it, you might like to take a look at some of the bio notes we've used at the bottom of articles at FaithWriters' Magazine:

When you've done that, if you could send it through to me by Private Message? Also, I'll need your email address, as I want to send a slightly edited version of your story back to you - for your information. It just needed a little tweak in a couple of spots to keep it flowing smoothly. So please remind me when you send your Bio note through.

Thanks for that Larry. I have to say that the singer in me found this story such a joy.

With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator and Editor, FaithWriters' Magazine)