The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh this made me giggle! I sort of saw the ending coming, but I loved the last lines with "Mirror mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all" So cute-and funny! Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Oh, yes. I remember those days. My son said, "Mom, I don't think I want to have any children when I get married." I asked why. "I'm afraid they'll be just like me." (He was/is ADHD.) I replied, "I can only hope." After all, I became just like my parents. Good read.
Oh yes! How very true. And if we aren't exact mirror images, it will show up in more subtle ways which we recognize as the same thing if we but think a little. I enjoyed this very much.

Interesting read. Like mother, like daughter ... so they always say ... or like father, like son. Your story puts a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing 'mother' on a lighter note. (",)
Even though it was fairly obvious what was going to happen, you did it with such flair of writing. LOL I have so many times stopped myself from saying the negative things my mother said in years gone by. Oh dear, we often are our parents aren't we. I love your finish, very clever. Well written all round. Good job.