The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 978 times
Member Comments
This story holds a powerful message. You did a fine job on writing it. Keep writing!
Definitely much to ponder here - and nicely written. The mom's dialog seemed a tad unnatural, but it could be me. Enjoyed the revelation she came to - and all the little details that made this feel real.
Thought-provoking story!

In my opinion, it's best to avoid words for sounds (like beep or knock, as they tend to make the writing sound "young." It's more effective to write something along the line of

The sound of the alarm startled Marcie, and she hit the snooze button...

Purely personal preference, though!
Good message!
I like the dialogue and descriptions.
Be careful with softened exclamations such as 'Gosh'. To me, it is a form of using the Lord's name.
There are few missing commas.
Good writing.
Great writing, great message. I went through a long time of too many Sundays of church in my pj's, but am glad I'm back in "literal" church now. Your story is filled with Truth. Wonderful work!
I can relate. Times when I have been a little ill, not real sick, and stayed at home, I always miss the encouragement and lift, worshiping with the church gives me. Good story.
This was very interesting with the contrast between an actual sermon or one via internet. I liked this. It did show a difference. I would've liked to read a little more to see if she went next week...tired, sleepyhead and all. ^_^ Nice job.
I liked this one and can recognize talent in the speaker. I did think it became too obvious in the end and wished the disclaimer to disappear, but nice concept and entry.