The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wonderfully written, may we all have God keep our ears open to his voice and never miss out on such an occasion as being a gift to someone alse in God's name
I have found that attentiveness to God's still small voice is immensely rewarding. Nicely done.
I like your title, and your story is very heartwarming.

You switched POV a few times--it'd be best, in a story this short, to stay with only one POV, or to separate the sections with a few asterisks, to signal your reader that you're about to switch.

We should all be so tuned in to God's voice!
I enjoyed this piece. Jan gave you good advice about POV - I definitely got thrown a bit by jumping from one head to another. Regardless, this was a lovely story. Keep writing!
The title got me. Very good. The story is simple yet engrossing. I kept reading on till the end and couldn't help saying..." How sweet..."
The line about being tuned in to god....wonderful.