The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Great description here - I could picture this in my mind's eye so clearly! Got a little lost in your first paragraph, but otherwise a great read!
Powerful and creative description. Reminds me of "The Screwtape Letters".
This is a different twist. How sad, but true that angels do not have souls and are unable to repent. I'm wondering if it is realistic that a new baby Christian would speak with such authority to a demon? I know that the power of the H.S. is certainly available, but taking on a demon is a very formidable thing that even a seasoned believer will only entertain after much prayer. Perhaps the mother could be a Christian that once tasted of the power of God, but has backslidden...just thinking out loud with you. Great story, though!
Great work! A good read. Thank you.
Superb creativity, Julia! Your prose is alive and kicking--I loved it.

I think Paragraph Five is your best opening for this piece. You want your reader to enter the story as quickly as possible. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 could me most effectively used further toward the end, so the remorse and futile longing of the failed demon build up in chronological sequence to his self-destruction.

Great job! I'd love to see you flesh out the story with a bit more suspense, do a tad more polishing, and get this published as a short story of Christian fiction. (A short story generally runs about 3,000 words or more.)

Don't ever stop writing--you've got what it takes!