The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A very nice picture of being content in all circumstances. The second paragraph might possibly bo omitted; dictionary definitions are overused, and not particularly compelling. But I was very touched by your protagonist's submission to God in every place he had called "home." Lovely.
VERY well written! Reminded me of myself; 13 States, 28 Cities and umpteen places I "hung my hat"...Home. And I'm glad you included the definition of "home" in 2nd paragraph. It's been a long time since I looked it up and it helped me to understand your thoughts throughout. Very nicely done...God bless.
I enjoyed the thought. Great write and title. Helped me alot too..whew! Thought I was considered the queen of unstability as far as where I've lived. Good definition with understanding following. God bless ya, littlelight