The Official Writing Challenge
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I leared a lot about Chinese New Year by reading this! Thank you!

Instead of asterisks, just author's notes at the end, since you're not directly quoting the scriptures. And I don't think you meant "literally" making themselves deaf and blind; perhaps leave that word out.

Thanks for writing this thought-provoking poem!
Winter? Yes. New Year? yes. But it took 15 verses until I saw the word SPRING. "The Challenge" was set up to see how creative a Writer could be on a given Subject.

I scrolled, scrolled and kept scrolling until third from last verse...I saw SPRING! Even the Title is lacking in the subject at hand. This essay or free style poetry would be great on another Assigned Subject I am sure. But if you want Honesty in a critique, That's it in a nutshell. God BLess.
I have to reply.
To answer Jan's comments: Come to China during Spring festival, and you'll see how literal it really is. I'm not looking forward to having my senses bruatally voilated for another year.

To answer Marylin's:
The holiday of Chinese New Year is called 'Spring Festival' sorry if I didn't make that clear.
But it is in Spring, it is called Spring Festival and perhaps I should have used that in the title instead of 'Chinese New Year'...
;) My bad.

-- hope anyone reading learns a thing or two. I'm not a holiday hater. I even celebrated Halloween this year with my kids! but living in China, something about this holiday irks me.
Wow! This was a real eye-opener. I suspect that when you live in a foreign country you seem less de-sensitised to the spirit worship that occurs - I know that was my experience - and so can more easily discern it in the customs and traditions.
I would love to see you write more poetry - this was really great and I easily pictured the story you wove.
My only suggestion would be to change the line "But don't let the Chinese get away" since I felt some might construe it as racist (I know it's not because I know your love for the people - I just wonder if there's a better way to say this).
Bridget, I really enjoyed this and thought it was wonderful. Well done and good on you!

Meant to say, that I thought it fitted the topic perfectly. I understood that it was a Spring festival from your references to winter and February.