The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 669 times
Member Comments
On topic, well crafted, and a top notch close. This devotional was a blessing to read.
Great job writing to topic:) I enjoyed this devotional.
True to the word.

Oh, that we could live that way.
This is something my friend and I were speaking of last night, a conviction of feeling and believing, in order for the healing to materialize. My friend is struggling with an illness, and this is one of the passages we had discussed. The other was the woman who had a blood issue and touched his hem and was made whole and healed.

Good job. Thank you.

God bless~
I enjoyed this mini Bible study. You really made me think and reflect upon your words and that is always a good thing, but not always an easy thing. Nicely done.
Congratulations on ranking 8th in level 1! (The highest rankings can be found on the message boards.)