The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 560 times
Member Comments
Penetrating poetry with so many valuable pertinent points. Thank you for this meaningful poem. Thank you.

God BLess~
"Feel every inch of that nail." That's a connecting line for every reader who feels it with you. He took those nails for you and for me, and for all who will look to Him in faith.
Beautiful poem. I really liked it and could connect with it.
Your work is very nice. It has an easy flow that lets me read without stumbling. Thanks for sharing this!
This is outstanding. It choked me up. I feel like you had somehow entered my mind at first. If you touch not even one more person (not that that is evenly remotely likely) know that today in this moment in time you made a huge difference in my heart and I can't thank you enough for it. God bless.