The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Loved this, although I think another title to tie in with the content would be the cherry on top. If this is a true story then to God be all the glory! If not, good job writing anyway.
Absolutely spine chilling! Saved by the hand of God. I too have had some "close calls" in my life and know the power of God's saving love. Praise His holy name! Great writing!
I knew something was going to happen! Kept me riveted.
Great story.
You kept my attention throughout. Good writing, for sure.
Enjoyed this story of near-catastrophe. Certainly was a phew moment!
Your story was interesting and well-written...I especially like the part about looking for God's hand print on the front of the car, a very tangible credit to our soul and life saving God.
What relief! I loved the thought of a giant handprint on the car...what a picture.

The opening line was a little rough, I had to read it a couple of times to get my bearings.

The song lyrics at the end were perfect.
I literally was sitting up straight leaning in towards the monitor-- that's how good you grabbed me. And I like the hymn at the end, too. Well done. That red ink was my smiley face. My regular red pen says maybe watch paragraphing & in the middle I had to re-read quick to see who was saying what-- but, overall, nicely done!
My heart was pounding the whole way through. When I got to the end I realized I'd been holding my breath. That's a pretty good job of writing if you made the reader too scared to move. Excellent.
Riveting, excellent use of this week's topic. Strong dialogue, believable characters. The hand of God...gotta love it.
Wow! Gripping story, I got chills when I read the song words at the end. Great work!
This is such a winner! You couldn't have dragged me away from the computer while I was reading it, if you tried. Talk about hair-raising! You did a great job putting all this together. Big time Kudos to you!
Phew! is right! Wow...scary situation!
Love this piece! Very well written, and holding the readers spellbound. I like the part where Rob acknowledge it must be the hand of God holding the car to stop the fall. I also like relieving conclusion with the ending lyrics of the song.
I too loved the image of the handprint on the hood. I did get a bit confused with the dialog, who was who a few times. I like the time in to church and the hymn. Nice job.
Awesome Carole, congrats on your EC placing! Whoohoo!
Carole, Congrats on your ribbon AND your Editor's Choice!!
Excellent story, Carole. It certainly kept my interest all the way through. I, too, really liked the imagery of God's handprint. Congrats on your EC win.
Hey, Arkansas Friend! Just realized that you got an EC this week. Congratulations! Very good writing. Write on!