The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
LOL! Sorry to laugh at your um, mucus, but this was a riot, especially the 2nd half. I have a mental picture of you dragging your 50 lb head across the house, dribbling um, mucus, on the carpet. :)
How in the world did you get into my, um, mucous-y head!? Who knew being sick could be so funny? I'd be laughing my head off right now if I didn't want to avoid coughing it off instead!
Oh man! I hope I remember to come and read this the next time I get one of THOSE (won't say it--I might jinx myself). This is SO funny and SO true--wow. Every member of the human race needs to read this when they have one of THOSE. (Can you imagine this story being handed out by doctors every time someone comes in, sick with one of THOSE?! "Take two aspirin and read this.") Hilarious.
I know God made our amazing bodies,and sends healing cells to our owies,but one day we must ask- what was with all those gallons of mucus? You described it all to a T. Can't wait to see what you will do with oops!
Loved it! Blessings,Hope the mucusoids have fled your head by now, all 50 pounds of them!
Hilarious! Fit perfectly with the topic and I loved the relaxed communication with the reader.
This was just extra-special, super-good! The descriptions were so well-done, and the dialog with the reader sweetly humble (sounding, of course, like it takes place in a tunnel). Funny tale, told very well!