The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I have a huge soft spot in my heart for the developmentally disabled, and you wrote this with great affection.

I'll admit that it took me a while to catch on to who you were writing about, though. Maybe if you'd make that clearer in the first paragraph?

I love the title, and that you call them "my guys". How sweet!
This was really nice. Your "guys" are handled with such care.
I have to admit, at first I thought you were talking about your sons, then students from a teacher's perspective.
Well written.
This was beautiful. I really loved that you were a bit mysterious about who your "guys" were, it added to the Ahhhh factor when I found out. Well written, with a really interesting voice, very loving.
What a wonderful way to be able to keep that magical part of Christmas in your life, long after your children are grown! Wonderful story full of love and happiness.
They may not know the meaning of Christmas, but "your guys" know Jesus through you. Very nice entry! Well written, flows great, and I love the last line.
This is such a special and unique story. I love that your mc is so caring. How great that her 'guys' have someone who loves them and takes such gentle care with them. :)
Congratulations on your Highly Commended! Writing talent must run in the family. (:
From a few comments by Hoomi I gathered you worked with people. Your "guys" must be very blessed to have you in their lives. This is a wonderful entry! I'm so glad it placed. Will you have your own name on FW, or will you be called Mrs. Hoomi?