The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a very creative format! I also like the way you sneaked the theme in there.
Well done
Very creative use of the topic! There are a lot of different points she makes in this short entry....definitely wanted to know more. You can place quotation marks at the beginnning of each paragraph to indicate that she's still speaking, or take out the descriptions and make the whole thing her diary entry to make it clear. Great idea - good job!
Even through the lighthearted remarks, the saddness comes through. Excellent job with the topic.
What I like most about this is her wanting to remember Jesus, and the comfort He gives. Very touching. Nicely done
I like this unique approach a lot. What a wonderful way to deal with a hard diagnosis. Great job.
Some great characterisation here - loved it. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry
I loved this line:
"Oh, snap! I missed my turn! Now I have to turn around….Yes, I am directionally challenged. Not a symptom, just a character flaw."

This is bittersweet and very authentic. Good job.

Pansy sounds like quite the character! With a little bit of retooling, this would read really well as an actress' monologue!

I enjoyed Pansy's "note to self" moments and her plea to be reminded of her faith in Jesus.
I love your treatment of this subject. The humor works well. In one way diffuses the sadness of the situation, and in another way, highlights it. I love her admonition to keep reminding her of Jesus!
Wow, this is so creative and an incredible approach to the topic. Since you begged for red ink, I have some really little suggestions. First, it would be a good idea to cut back on the exclamation points. Maybe just keep them at the end of the "Snaps" and leave the others with periods. Also it is spelled "Kenny Rogers." See? Little stuff. The tension tucked into the lightness made this a good read.
Very good. Love the descriptions, I almost felt as though I was in the car with her.

Nicely done.