The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
ok, to be honest, this was really hard to follow. The lay out distrupted the flow. On a postive angle, you captured the topic in an extremely creative and fun filled fashion. I also enjoyed the unique words you used weaved throughout the piece.
I see the point you are making. The display is interesting, but I'm not sure the reading was so easy. I like the phrases "Pious Populace" and Chronically Excited". They add to your meaning.
I love your "jagged ragged dry rot" and "hot rot." Another home run in my book...the imagery and symbolism are both perfect, along with your opening remarks to the reader.
I agree it is a bit difficult to read, but I like the comparison. I thought about Jesus saying that the Pharisee's were "whitewashed sepulchres" so that's the Scripture I expected at the end. Interesting take!
Maybe it's just me, but I followed this perfectly and thought it brilliant. So true ... and so deceiving - that 'White Wash.' Wow.
What a unique idea - both the idea and the style!
The layout didn't bother me at all and the flow of the poem was wonderful. There is an interesting article at Faith and Fiction discussing whether the CBA will publish fiction criticla of the established church. Apparently, it's OK to show the world as evil but not so OK to point believers toward cleaning up our own house. Good job in that area!
This didn't flow quite as nicely as most of your work, but it still packs a punch. Great church names!
What a creative idea. Good message. I enjoy reading it.
I loved the whole thing except the third line from the end. I felt it could have been a higher caliber. But the piece is strong and I love the message presented in a creative way. Nicely done and definately a contender.
I agree with Jan on this one,creative and unique.
The names of the churches cracked me up. :-)

This stands alone as far as being a different category/presentation! Good for you for being so creative. :-)