The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1413 times
Member Comments
Aaah, the magnificent Pacific Northwest! Mt. Baker lives in my back yard so I could fully appreciate Sandra's delight at seeing Mt. Rainier!

I feel as if I was riding in the back seat of your car as you took me through your day with your friend. Good job!
Yes, even after 20 years of seeing Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams daily I still say wow alot of times.
Being a flatlander myself, I can certainly see myself in Sandra. :) Great story. I felt like I was there.
What a kind hearted soul you are, not to mention a great, great friend! Felt like I was there with you two. Loved the closeness you conveyed between the two of you.
God's amazing creation is always a Wow... and true friends are an incredible miracle. Engaging... well-done.
Oh... you almost made me cry (and there's not a sheet nearby). This is wonderful. I can just see you two experiencing this. I loved reading this! Next time I'll be with you (with my head out the car window). :)
Ahhh...what a great friendship! I'm glad you shared this with us.
This was beautiful and so real. I felt like I was right there. Wonderful!
I think I know who this is REALLY about. ;) Wonderful, Mari, just wonderful. God Bless.
Loved seeing this on the EC list, Mari! Congrats!
This is us!!! I'm coming TODAY so we can write a new chapter for our 'Mari and Laury book'. lol. Congratulations on your EC!!! Proud of you. You are an awesome friend!
Loved the "spontaneous factor" of these two friends. What a great way to spend a day - ROADTRIP!!! A beautiful portrayal of the kind of relationship women can have as friends. Great story. (I've been on that road many times with my best friend) Congratulations.