The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1585 times
Member Comments
This true-life story is soo touching! Maybe you could get it published in a magazine for the blind.
Definitely original and creative. Love that it's based on a true life experience.
Well done!
Blessings, Lynda
A beautiful entry. I didn't realize about the blinded until near the end. Great work!
Very nice, I like the line about "sharing the same heart position before the Lord." Lovely words.
What an amazing story of an amazing woman.
Very well done in conveying the realities of the Visually Impaired. When you become aquainted with this disability through the "eyes" others you really are never the same. Enjoyed this very much.
Your narrative is simple, touching and pure. I wholly enjoyed this story.

Maybe something you can help me with - can you tell me how you re-apply italics? I haven't yet figured out how to do this after submitting a piece. Is there a secret? :)
Absolutely beautiful! This tremendous woman refocuses me on my incredible Saviour!
A great piece of writing with a message that ministers to all of us. I love how you show that through her submission, "all those things accomplished their goals. They were pruning me."
Very strong piece. The word choices are excellent. Kathy must be a wonderful person.
Just getting to read some entries to catch up. Maxx is right...very strong piece; wonderfully written! I enjoy reading about real-life people and yours was enjoyable to read! Great job! :) Jo
Beth, what a beautiful, extraordinary story. I love it. These lines were food for my soul tonight:

‘Don’t doubt, don’t worry, don’t be angry. Abandon yourself to Him.’

Beautiful word choices--and hitting me right where I am with the Lord right now. I don't understand all that is happening around me, but I TRUST God to lead me.

Does she see anything at all, or does she simply know the One who calls her name?

I LOVE THIS LINE! It is enough to know the One who calls my name.

So well done. This should be shared in other venues--it is worthy of a larger audience.