The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a beautiful story. A child loves nothing better than the full attention of their Father. That was so endearing.
I like the imagery you used here....and the last line. That was great!
I liked your creative take on the topic, and I loved that Hans took a day for Petey. The effect of that one simple gesture lasted a lifetime--something we too often forget. It's the little things that matter most.
Awesome, Steve! Too bad about that pesky word count, huh? Your characters are endearing, and I enjoyed every word. Just write 500 words next week, and maybe you can convince the powers-that-be to take an average.
Heart warming story with a wonderful lesson.
I loved the idea of your story. How many times does a Dad sacrifice time with family to support them? I loved the lessons learned in this story.
Well, ok, so you went over a little...I could have read more, but you wrapped up the ending of a beautiful story so very nicely.
This was a cute story. I kind of felt bad for Carol tho', she missed such a great day with her boys. It didn't seem too long reading it! Maybe we should up the word count from now on!
I loved every word of this precious story. I have one of those hard-working husbands who, in the midst of his busyness, made special memories with his children. He STILL puts in long workdays and yet finds time to make those memories with his grandchildren as well. Thanks for writing such a tender, loving story.