The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Sylvia sounds like the best gift you could possibly get at this time in your life. What a lovely tribute to her.God bless both of you~
Sounds like you have found the perfect woman.
Let her read this story!
Wow! It took a lot of courage to bare your soul like this. Thank you. Your tone started out rather heavy, but I'm glad I read on because you have a very true and important message to us women. I hope your relationaship with Sylvia grows and blossoms in the love of Jesus.
There is so much here that one can hardly take it all in: wonderful scriptures to meditate on and musings on how a woman can be a blessing to a man. You've blessed my day and given me something to think about. Women take heed! This is a real man talking.
Aaawww! God Bless You and your girl!:)
FYI - there is no Sylvia. She was only a figment of my imagination. She was what I imagined my perfect women would be... dave