The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was very good writing and so sad but also sad to say is, I'm not sure how on-topic it is. I love your descriptions of the crazy day and the little boy talking to the baby. Very nice.
I could definitely feel this poor woman's exhaustion!

This is about a home, but not really about a "home group", so a bit iffy on topic.

You made all of the little one very realistic, and the story is tender and touching.
Jack is an adorable character! What a sweet story, I'm glad that he was able to hear the 'truth' in the end, I liked Claire's description of his mother going to heaven to get it ready for them. It was good. Nice job.
I like this extremely unique perspective on a home group, and yes, I see the connection. What a special ministry to open one's home to a group of children one has not born.