The Official Writing Challenge
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Please post more of your poems at Poetry and Poets of God:
Wow, dear writer, you've taken your reader to the depths and back again. I really feel like I'm gasping for air as I've come through your poem. Very effective images and I like the sound of the alliteration you've used too. Well done!
Lovely! Wonderful images and emotions. I enjoyed this very much. Thanks!
This reminds me of Haiku. Your beautiful word choices capture the essence of a moment in which the narrator gives in to the temptation to sink into the oblivion of the swirling water. Then come those eyes, that hand, the Lifeguard! I'll have to read this one over and over again.
This says it like it is.....and describes ministry to a "T." Very Real. Thanks for this trip into the heart of every human being on earth and the corresponding inspiration to be used by God to minister.
Laurie, what a wonderful complete description of the lost soul that is rescued by Jesus Christ. I'm not a good judge of poetry so I can't comment on style, but your carefully chosen words fit the death-then-life message you were conveying. Well done!
Wow! This is awesome Laurie! You nailed it all. Wow.