The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
No clear cut answer here. Oh, but wait, that's teen life! Good thing there's a Bible to direct us and a God to lead us and patience to help us keep our sanity. Of course, we have to hear how this all turns out. You do realize that, don't you?
Oooo. Ouch! I'm a missionary kid and wouldn't change it for the world! But I went as a young child. I was going to add my personal opinion, but I realized you have done just what you intended - you made me think. This could open up to much discussion. Very good work!
The dialogue rang very true to the way many teens would respond to this situation. I guess I would have liked to know the facts that drew the father to the conclusion he was needed to go immediately. Like Sue said, we need to see the outcome.(:
Very well done! You gave all the right reasons why we need to go where God sends us. When I moved to Colorado, it was at the Lord's bidding. I wanted to stay in Illinois with my grandkids. Their parents were going through a divorce and I was afraid she'd cut me off from the kids. God said no and I lost the boys. But I gained much more. These are tough decisions but GOD ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT'S BEST FOR US.
Very, very realistic dialogue. You expressed Katie's emotions beautifully. I loved the Bible references at the end.
Good read! Like many others here, I've raised a teen, so can say this *is* very realistic dialogue. And, as other have expressed, don't leave us hanging. What happened? :0)
I echo the other commenters in wanting to know what happened. I also can relate to the easily-piqued tempers of teens. I can easily imagine this conversation. Well written. Thanks for sharing this
Wow! How true this rings. I am considering a position only 5 hours away from where we now live and my 16 and 13 year old daughters are putting me through the wringer over it. My two younger ones are not excited about moving, but they are willing to try something new. I continue to pray over the decision with my wife and hope our family survives the rift. Thanks so much for posting this story, it really helps to see that others go through similar things. I felt like an eavesdropper, this was so realistic.