The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 2181 times
Member Comments
Well-written article. Good take on the subject.
Very good - and convicting - message. Thanks!
Bravo...well-written, kept me interested and reading fast. I just love Christian writers!

Good show.

Whoa...I have to inhale and let out a slow breath...excellent piece!
Excellent! my thoughts are the same. May we forever escape the name it and claim it club and remember always to seek first the Kingdom of God.
Well written. But perhaps the driver of the Hummer was on his way back from donating 10 million dollars to the Salvation Army, tithes monthly more than we make in a year, and donated his fleet of corporate jets for tsunami relief. Let's not be too quick to judge based on a vanity plate.
I loved some of the cute images "porcine snouts" was a hoot! These pieces of imagery made it so easy to read even though it was soooo convicting. You did a remarkable job on this topic. Thank you!
I appreciate what you attempted here. Can't say that I agree 100%, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

The Bible also says to learn to be content in whatever situation you find yourself in, whether lacking or abounding. I certainly don't drive a Hummer, but I wouldn't turn one down if I won it...true, we shouldn't set out to obtain material blessing, but you run the risk of burdening people unnecessarily when you make it seem that all material wealth is bad...

This line completely baffled me:

>> The Streetcar Named Desire has become the Titanic ... and it's name is Legion.<<

Nope, I just read it yet again, and I still don't get it...sorry.

I like that song at the end that you quoted, by the way.

Thanks for posting.
Your article pinpoints an important message, that of being too materialistic. While I agree we should be content in any situation we find ourselves as the last reviewer said, I think there are some situations that we should pray to get out of. Thanks for sharing.
The shift of three different styles in one short article was kind of unsettling for me. I really liked the opening section where you dealt with modern day problems. Then there was the bible verse section while infromative left me wanting more of you initial work. Ending with poetry is interesting. I'd like to see things tied together a little better. Best wishes with the piece.
You made some great points in your story. Having material things isn't sinful, but the love of them that gets us into trouble. Thank you so much, and God bless you.