The Official Writing Challenge
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You have shown God to have favourites and quoted where He said he will show mercy on whom He will show mercy. However, He gives us free will to choose to obey Him and in so doing we may attain righteousness and become disciples of God.
The first part of the story didn't seem to go with the rest of the story. It confused me when it started out one way and then abruptly changed. But what the story in general made me think again that even God's chosen like David didn't always get it right. That we can fail and still come back and ask for forgiveness and find favor again.
Yes, it is hard to hear that we are dispensible, but we are also loved much, and we get to be a part of the big picture, just like those more favored ones.
While you have made your story's message quite clear, I, at the same time, was confused. I agree that the Lord found favor with the various examples you have chosen, but He has also found favor with ALL who accept His gift of salvation. I am no more deserving of His grace than anyone else, yet I don't view that as 'favoritism,' but rather, His unconditional, mercy, offered freely to everyone. Certain people, both then and now, have been set aside for specific tasks, but His love and devotion to them is just as intense has His glorious love and devotion to me. Perhaps, I misread/misunderstood, which is most likely the case. If I have, please accept my apology for my long-windedness and disregard my bloviating. :-) This is a thought-provoking read and that is vitally important in a world that has taken up the penchant of thinking less than is healthy- myself included. Warm Regards, Nancy