The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for this charming, touching story that brought me back to when my handsome dad taught me to drive!

Well written, and entertaining...I loved it.
Those memories are treasures that will stay with us forever.

God bless~
How funny! I loved it!

You brought so many memories back in my life, when my dad taught me to drive and when I taught my seven children to drive.

I still drive better than them. No tickets in 40 years.

This was such a fun read. You exhibited everything good about writing a story. I was involved, it made me visualize your situation as well as percolating my memories.

And I like your choice of music!
I enjoyed reading this and getting a good chuckle in on a few lines.

This was a very engaging and lite-hearted story that stands out very well.

I remember learning how to drive a stick shift on a very steep hill, and it was very rough getting the hang of it, even for a guy! HA!

Well done, and keep on writing!