The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a powerful piece! Your word pictures captured my thoughts and took me there.
Well done, very well done.
WOW! This piece is outstanding!

It's full of word descriptions that drew me right in and kept me captivated until the end. I was in that room and sitting in the chair.

A gentle piece with a powerful message. It really spoke to my heart. Inspired!
Oops! Meant word pictures.
Absolutely ... BEAUTIFUL!!! This tender story of Divine fellowship flows like refreshing spring water from beginning to end. I agree with the previous commentors, your word pictures are perfect and breathtaking.

This was especially touching for me, because I'm one who loves to "sneak away" to my own secret places to be with God. The cozy room overlooking the beauty of God's creation that you described sounds like the perfect place for prayer. I want to snuggle up in that chair myself and have a chat with my Savior ...
I am next in line for that lovely room and chair! We all have that "private spot" for our Lord.

Great imagery and fine story. Thank you so much. Blessings~
This is beautiful. Well done.
I like the way you describe the details and direct the readers' attention to focus on the peaks and the mountains. Your story brings out beautifully the meaning of Psalm 121:1 of how much we need to take time to be quiet and still before God in prayer. A well written piece. God bless.