The Official Writing Challenge
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This was a jarring read because although fiction here in the entry, it's so sad to know many have died like this in the Roman empire.

You did a fine job of bringing the MC family to the forefront while bringing home the story. And, just the right ending to lighten it up...Amen!

Great job.

God bless~
The question is not "How would you do?" but "How would I do?"

I think about it but cannot come up with an answer.

Well written scene of long ago but does it still rage on?

Keep writing to stir our hearts to love and faithfulness.
There was such a casualness to this piece about a family dying for Christ that made it tough for me to relate to. I'd like to believe that I'd hold fast with my own life on the line (although we never know for sure), but I don't delude myself for a second into believing that I could let my kids suffer the same fate. I guess that's why I live in a time and country where I don't have to face that decision...God knows me well.

But well written and frightening all at once. Nice ending, too. Thanks for sharing.
A hard story to read, but you did a nice job with the topic. I liked the end.
Good story on a tough topic. We are so sheltered from it that the thought of persecution can be frightening but it still happens in parts of the world today. There's no need for fear when we remember that the Spirit within us cannot die.
Powerful writing that grips and doesn't want to let go until the story is told; that's a good skill to have.

Be careful with POV: “I have seem many of YOU die. Christians die differently. What is YOUR secret?”

Predictability was also an issue for me; I knew where this was going right from the start.

Even so, you kept me interested and that is good writing.
