The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Since my mind works in more of a simple, black and white thought theme (for lack of a better description) :) I wasn't able to pieced this together enough to make sense of it, BUT like the idea of how you put this together.
Hmmmmm...I don't get it. I think I detected some wordplay here and there, but...sorry, I just really don't get it. I hope you'll pop into the "Hinting" thread on Sunday or Monday and direct readers here--with an explanation! Who knows; you may be the next James Joyce...
I'm sorry, but I don't get it either. There were some intriguing things going on, and I was hoping to figure them out, but it didn't make sense. I agree with Jan. I hope you give us some hints.
I like you style, however. You've written the author's plot or the proposal of his manuscript to the editors and publishing company? Or is this an outline of a potential manuscript of a fiction, still in the making? Good job.