The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Impressive comparison to a current TV show. And so very many times we ask Him for help then try to direct how it's done. A great story representing let go and let God. Good Job!!
A very good devotional piece. Maybe it's a good thing to be all thumbs when it comes to soul remodeling!

WOW! WOW! and WOW again. I truly loved this. It was inspirational. Let go and let God. Once that lesson is learned a person knows without a doubt they can make it. We serve a God who is so filled with love for His children that all we need do is ask. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN.

If this is not a winner I will be surprised. GOD BLESS.
Totally loved this piece! So unique and thought provoking too! And besides all that, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is one of my very favorite shows!!