The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for sharing your story. I kind of had to laugh to myself because I know someone just like Maud. Laughing is just what you need to do otherwise you lose a part of yourself that is hard to get back. Thank you for sharing.
Fun, fun, funny! I love the image of Maud standing over him like the Tower of Babel! Too perfect. Great title, BTW. Drew me right in.
Just too right on! But God puts folks like Maud into our lives to help us grow.Apparently growing requires headaches. Great story. You should be in the advanced writers group.
Excellent writing and loved the story. Yes, you should be in the advanced group.
Very clever! Wonderful take on "shrewd". Great story-telling and excellent writing.
Blessings, Lynda
Yep. Agree. Excellent piece. Better grab the elevator to the next floor. :0) Loved it.
I don't personally know a Maud but i knew her after reading here! Delightful, well written. You gave the reader a chance to cringe with him and hoping for a quick solution before you got your finger in the keyboard to "talk back at her" too!
Great job, Sally! I loved it! I was chuckling the whole read, and the descriptions were awesome!
Blessings, Cheri
Very well done Sally - personally I was reaching for the hammar about a third of the way through that! I have a Maud-in-law in my life, and showing patience can sometimes be really hard!