The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You did a great job here! I've never been a smoker, but you wrote so compellingly that I felt Art's cravings right along with him. Thanks for not giving us a "pat" ending, but just enough hope.

You make us feel the struggle, and the beginning of real Hope. Great job!
I like the example of Moses and the wandering for forty years. That is a lifetime. Imagine telling the people almost daily they were going to the "promise land". Good writing.
If the writer's mantra is 'show, not tell', you've reached nirvana.
Very real depiction. Good job.
A well written picture of a struggle so many have. This was the one area my Dad and I used to butt (pun intended) heads about all the time. He finally quit this past summer, cold turkey. My hubby's still working on quitting. I noticed a few punctutation problems (saw some missing commas), but a good entry.